- PhD Student
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- SCALE-IT Fellow
- The University of Tennessee
- cdumouli "at" utk "dot" edu
- PhD Student
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- SCALE-IT Fellow
- The University of Tennessee
- nlinebac "at" utk "dot" edu
- PhD Student
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- SCALE-IT Fellow
- The University of Tennessee
- dkoessle "at" utk "dot" edu
- PhD Student
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- SCALE-IT Fellow
- The University of Tennessee
- Austin "dot" Milt" "at" utk "dot" edu
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- The University of Tennessee
- parmswor "at" utk "dot" edu